OkMEA Start Up Summit – August 26, 2023
The OkMEA Start Up Summit is designed to foster a network of early-career music educators across Oklahoma. Each year, OkMEA will host a Summit in the first weeks of the academic year. We invite clinicians from across the state and beyond to lead active and invigorating sessions on mentoring, area-specific music instruction, and social gatherings. The Summit affords novice teachers opportunities to learn, grow, and build professional relationships with their colleagues. Please join us for this “kick-off” event to both your school year and your career as a music educator!
Registration: $20
Collegiate Seniors, First Year Teachers,
and Veteran Teachers are welcome!
Link to Summit Registration
*Registration closes August 22
Oklahoma City University
Wanda L. Bass School of Music
2501 N. Blackwelder
The OCU campus lies on the north side of NW 23rd, between Blackwelder and Penn, in the central part of Oklahoma City.
From Penn
– Go north on Penn and turn right onto 23rd
– Turn left onto McKinley
– Turn left onto 25th (Bass is straight ahead)
From Classen
– Go north on Classen and turn left onto 25th
We are allowed to park anywhere on campus not marked “reserved.” There is a parking lot at the corner of NW 25th and Blackwelder, and a larger one at the corner of NW 26th and Blackwelder. OCU classes are in session which makes parking difficult! Come early!
If you get a ticket while on campus, please contact Katie Robertson ([email protected])