Welcome to the OkMEA Children’s Chorus page!

Vendor Information
Attn: Children’s Chorus
PO Box 886
Muskogee, OK, 74402

Click here to download a W9 for your financial office!


The All-State Children’s Choir is an opportunity for exceptional music students to work with guest choral clinicians from around the world on challenging music with other students from across the state. For other goals and teacher/school eligibility, click here.


First Deadline – November 2, 2024
– $10.00 per student
Second Deadline – November 9, 2024
– $20.00 per student
Emergency Deadline – After Second Deadline
– Emergency Application(s) must be completed by November 14
– Payment must be sent to the OkMEA Office by November 14 to be considered for adjudication.

Click here for more information regarding preparation and procedures.

Practice and Audition Tracks

Practice Tracks with a vocal model are available for your student(s) to use in preparation of their audition. The Audition Tracks are what you use to record your student(s) audition(s).

Click here to access the tracks download page.

Recordings and Application

Click here to access the Audition Format for the All-State Children’s Choir auditions.

Click here to access the online Audition Application Form.

Once you are finished with your auditions, check out the Application Checklist to make sure you are ready to upload your recordings.

OkMEA Music Library

To encourage teachers to use quality literature with their choirs, OkMEA has set up a lending library of music that will be available to all OkMEA members. The music used by the All-State Children’s Choir is available (through 2023). Click here to learn more!

GTOMS Registration Information

Please complete your payment when you complete your entries.
Entries are not considered complete without a form of payment on file in GTOMS.
GTOMS is currently accepting POs and Checks – using credit cards has been temporarily suspended.

  1. Go to G-TOMS to register as a director (Director Registration Video)
    1. Use the email address you prefer for communication throughout the All-State process
    2. As you are registering, you will be prompted to enter your NAfME membership number
      1. Your membership must remain current throughout the All-State process (through January)
      2. Messages will pop-up if your membership is about to expire or will expire during the All-State process
    3. If your school does not appear on the list OR your school is assigned to the CTSWS Region, please contact David Gorham at 918.384.9731
  2. Once you are registered with G-TOMS, you may enter your students individually (Entry Procedures Video)
    1. All CTSWS entries will need to be completed BEFORE completing your Children’s Chorus entries.
    2. All Children’s Chorus tracks will need to be ready to upload as your complete your entries.
    3. Please note that a Parent/Guardian Name and email will be required for all students auditions for All-State
    4. Do NOT put your name and email address as the Parent/Guardian
  3. You have TWO options to pay for your entries – purchase order, or check (Payment Procedures Video)
    1. If you are paying by purchase order or check, save a picture of the check or PO to your computer
    2. You will be prompted to upload a picture of your check or PO when using these forms of payment
    3. Invoices will not be available on G-TOMS this year
    4. OkMEA will bill all schools who did not pay by credit card after the second deadline. If you do not receive your invoice, please contact Jay Huffer at [email protected] 
    5. All Emergency Entries will need to be paid by PO on G-TOMS.

Mail all checks to:
OkMEA Office
Attn: Children’s Chorus
PO Box 886
Muskogee, OK 74402

Holly Pritchard Sheargold, Children's Chorus Assistant

Sarah Green, Children's Chorus Chair