Welcome to the OkMEA Symphonic Band and Wind Symphony page!
Symphonic Band and Wind Symphony Repertoire (through 2024)
Vendor Information
Attn: Band
PO Box 886
Muskogee, OK, 74402
Click here to download a W9 for your financial office!
Student Eligibility
Students must be a member in good standing of their high school music organization. They have to attend all rehearsals and performances of their OkMEA All-State organization and abide by the Rules of Conduct. Students must be eligible academically under OSSAA guidelines at the time of auditions and at the time of the festival.
Deadlines and Fees
First Deadline – September 14, 2024
– $20.00 per entry
Second Deadline – September 21, 2024
– $45.00 per entry
Emergency Deadline – Contact Band Chair
– $100.00 per entry
Audition Dates
First Round – Saturday, November 9
Second Round – Saturday, December 7
*Contingency Date – Saturday, December 14
The bad weather contingency date (December 14) is only invoked by the OkMEA President. All students must audition on December 7 unless that audition date is cancelled.
District Information
There are 10 District Sites for First Round auditions. All Second Round auditions are held at Westmoore High School in December.
District Site Locations
District Audition Guidelines
Percussion Audition Procedures
Audition Materials
Students should be prepared to play any of the etude, and sight read for district auditions. Scales will no longer be a required part of the district level audition. Students who audition in a finals only room will play scales, etudes, and sight-reading at the All-State audition. Scales do not have to be memorized. Students auditioning in a prelim room will play their required etudes and scales in the preliminary audition. If they advance to finals, they will only perform the etudes and sight-reading for their final All-State audition.
First Round Etudes
Second Round Etudes
Audition Etude Book Covers
Scale Sets (all instruments)
*Scales do not have to be memorized.
Any articulation is acceptable.
Other Important Information
- Scales will no longer be a required part of the district level audition. The scale requirement has been moved to December auditions. Scales do not have to be memorized. Students who audition in a finals only room will play scales, prepared etudes, and sight-reading during the course of their audition. Students auditioning in a prelim room will play their required etude cuts and scales in the preliminary audition. If they advance to finals, they will only perform the required etude cuts and sight-reading in their finals audition.
- Scales will now be titled using INSTRUMENT KEY rather than concert pitch. Please refer to the OkMEA website for PDF files of the current scale set for each instrument.
This change does not mean an individual district may not include scales as part of their audition process. They can include scales but it can have no bearing on whether a student does or does not advance to the December auditions. Please make this item a part of the discussion at your district’s fall business meeting.
Metronome Markings
The membership approved a motion to remove the “suggested” metronome markings for each etude. The All-State Committee will, if needed, provide guidance, particularly in the case of compound meters.
Be Involved
Please make plans now for both you and your staff to be available to serve in one of the over 300 roles that must be filled to facilitate a quality and rewarding audition process. It is not only the right thing to do, but is our professional responsibility.
All-State Registration Information
Please complete your payment when you complete your entries.
Entries are not considered complete without a form of payment on file in GTOMS.
GTOMS is currently accepting POs and Checks – using credit cards has been temporarily suspended.
All High School students auditioning for All-State will need to be entered in G-TOMS.
The following districts are using G-TOMS for both district and All-State entries: NBDA, NDCA, and EDBDA
All other districts have their own system for district entries. All-State entries will still need to be completed in G-TOMS.
GTOMS Registration Information
- Go to G-TOMS to register as a director (Director Registration Video)
- Use the email address you prefer for communication throughout the All-State process
- As you are registering, you will be prompted to enter your NAfME membership number
- Your membership must remain current throughout the All-State process (through January)
- Messages will pop-up if your membership is about to expire or will expire during the All-State process
- If your school does not appear on the list OR your school is assigned to the wrong district, please contact David Gorham at 918.384.9731
- Once you are registered with G-TOMS, you may enter your students individually OR send students the student link to complete their registration (Entry Procedures Video)
- Please note that a Parent/Guardian Name and email will be required for all students auditions for All-State
- Do NOT put your name and email address as the Parent/Guardian
- All Emergency Entries will need to be sent to your District Chair who will complete the entries in OPUS.
- You have TWO options to pay for your entries–purchase order, or check (Payment Procedures Video)
- If you are paying by purchase order or check, save a picture of the check or PO to your computer
- You will be prompted to upload a picture of your check or PO when using these forms of payment
- Invoices will not be available on G-TOMS this year
- OkMEA will bill all schools who did not pay by credit card after the second deadline. If you do not receive your invoice, please contact Jay Huffer at [email protected]
- All Emergency Entries will need to be paid by PO on G-TOMS
If paying by check, mail the physical check with your invoice to:
All-State Band Auditions
PO Box 886
Muskogee, OK 74402