Welcome to the COkMEA page!


Purpose of COkMEA

The purpose of this organization is to provide opportunities for professional development through:
1. Promoting interaction between collegiate chapters of NAfME within the state of Oklahoma.
2. Promoting opportunities for members to become acquainted with leaders in music education.
3. Participation in regional, district, state, division and national conferences.
4. Sponsoring regional and state conventions.
5. Acquainting students with the privileges and responsibilities of the music education profession.
6. Encouraging members to continuously be informed of developments in music education through the use of professional journals, articles, and magazines.

COkMEA Officers

2024-2025 Term:
President: Cristalynne Burns, UCO
Email Cristalynne

President-Elect: Caden Chase, OU
Email Caden

Vice President: LaQuincia Brown, OSU
Email LaQuincia

Secretary: Megan Austin, OU
Email Megan

Editor, Ella Brown, OCU
Email Ella

Advisor – Dr. Tracey Gregg-Boothby

Officers are elected at the Winter Conference.


Winter Conference Assignments
Programs for Intercollegiate Choir
Programs for Intercollegiate Band
Honor Band Comp Tickets

Programs for General Assembly
OkMEA Member Luncheon Seating
Honor Band Comp Tickets

To be determined


OkMEA Collegiate Session
To be determined

Business Meeting
To be determined
*Voting will occur during this meeting

Open elections are nominated from the floor
Nominees give a one-minute platform
Vote for one office at a time


Chapter Info

COkMEA Contact Info
*This Google Sheet has contact information for all CNAfME chapters in Oklahoma

COkMEA Materials

Social Media

Twitter – @COkMEA

Cristalynne Burns, COkMEA President

Dr. Tracey Gregg-Boothby, COkMEA Advisor