Teaching Positions
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Retired Teachers
OkMEA maintains a biographical director of retired teachers. Click here to read more information about how to submit your information for the directory. Contact Janis Dawson, OkMEA Past President, with any questions.
OkMEA Cares
Janis Dawson, OkMEA Past President, communicates with all of our ill or bereaved members. She also maintains an email list to communicate with OkMEA about our members. Click here for more information.
Katie Robertson, OkMEA Administrative Coordinator
126 Whitworth
Ponca City, OK 74601
(918) 630-9389
[email protected]
Janis Dawson, OkMEA Past President
6721 Stonycreek Dr.
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
(405) 720-0889
[email protected]