OkMEA Honor Award Information
OkMEA is pleased to award several honors to Oklahoma music educators and administrators at the annual OkMEA in-service conference. Award recipients are selected from those nominated each year. Only OkMEA members are allowed to submit nominations. To submit a nominee, please complete the Nomination Form. Nominations must be submitted by September 15. The Awards and Recognition committee will meet to choose the recipients from the qualifying nominations. The committee will recommend their choices to the OkMEA executive board at their October meeting for final approval. After selection, the laureate must provide, before October 15, a picture and short professional biography to the Editor of Oklahoma Music.
Outstanding Young Music Educator
This honor is to recognize music teachers who have completed no more than five (5) years of teaching at the time of nomination who have demonstrated outstanding practice of music education early in their careers.
Minimum qualifications:
- Completed no more than 5 years teaching experience at the time of nomination.
- Be a current member of OkMEA.
- Demonstrated excellence in the teaching of music, as evidenced by competition, awards, and peer or administrator statements.
- Demonstrated personal and academic growth as a music educator.
Young Music Educator Past Recipients
Exemplary Teacher
This honor is to recognize music teachers in the state who have demonstrated a mastery of music education through the production of exemplary performing organizations and/or individual music students. Nominees may be active or retired.
Minimum qualifications:
- A minimum of fifteen (15) years of active service (a minimum of 10 years must have been in Oklahoma, as a music teacher) in the field of music. The additional five (5) years may have been in a music administration position, such as a music coordinator or supervisor. The current teaching year may be counted in the totals above.
- Must be a current member of OkMEA.
- Demonstrated excellence in the teaching of music, as evidenced by competition, awards, and peer or administrator statements.
Exemplary Teacher Past Recipients
Administrator of the Year
This award gives recognition to school administrators in the State of Oklahoma who show exceptional support for their school’s music program. This award provides our organization the opportunity to honor those who have supported music as an important part of the total curriculum, and have given administrative support to music teachers and directors. Nominees may be active or retired. They may be in any level of administration, such as superintendent, principal, department head, coordinator, supervisor, etc. The music teacher submitting this application must have worked with the nominee for a period of at least four school terms, and must be a current member of OkMEA.
Minimum qualifications:
- Demonstrates support of music as an important part of the total curriculum.
- Attends public performances of school ensembles.
- Supports the school or district music faculty.
Administrator of the Year Past Recipients
Hall of Fame
This honor is for experienced music educators who have distinguished themselves as teachers, officers in OkMEA and/or NAfME, researchers in music education, and those members who have shown active political support of music education in the state and nation through membership and action in OkMEA. Nominees may be living or deceased, active or retired.
Minimum qualifications:
- Completed twenty-five (25) years of active service (a minimum of 15 years in Oklahoma) as a music teacher and/or music administrator.
- Made a significant contribution to music education in Oklahoma.
- Served OkMEA in a significant region or state capacity.
- Demonstrated excellence in the teaching of music.
Hall of Fame Past Recipients
Honors Nomination Information
To submit a nominee, please complete the form by September 15. The Awards and Recognition committee will meet to choose the recipients from the qualifying nominations. The committee will recommend their choices to the OkMEA executive board at their October meeting for final approval. After selection, the laureate must provide, before October 15, a picture and short professional biography to the Editor of Oklahoma Music.