OkMEA Advertising Contract Advertising Contact InformationCompany Name(Required)Advertising Contact Name(Required) First Last Advertising Contact Email(Required) Advertising Contact Phone(Required)Billing Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Artwork Contact NameIf I need to communicate with someone else about the official artwork, please provide their contact information. First Last Artwork Contact Email Billing Contact NameIf the invoice for payment needs to be sent to someone else for payment, please provide their contact information. First Last Billing Contact Email Advertisement OptionsYou may select more than one option if you plan to advertise multiple times this year.Advertisement Options(Required) Fall Website Advertisement Winter Magazine - magazine only Winter Conference Bundle - magazine + conference publications Spring Website Advertisement College/University Audition Information Industry Information Fall Website AdvertisementsFall Website Advertisements will be on the website August-December. Choose your advertising option below. FALL WEBSITE ADVERTISEMENT Header (1280 x 350 pixel image) - $275.00 Right Column (320 x 225 pixel image) - $125.00 Bottom (225 x 128 pixel image) - $100.00 Winter Magazine Advertisements (magazine only)Choose your advertising option below. Note - covers are assigned on a first-come first-serve basis.WINTER COVERS Full Page (Inside Front Cover) - $325 (8.5 x 11 Full Page Inside) Full Page (Inside Back Cover) - $325 (8.5 x 11 Full Page Inside) 3/4 Page (Back Cover) - $250 (7 x 7.5 Vertical Back) WINTER INSIDE PAGES Full Page - $250 (8.5 x 11 Vertical) 1/2 Page - $125 (7 x 5 Horizontal Only) Winter Conference BundlesThe University Conference Bundle includes a full page color advertisement in the Winter magazine, a full page BW advertisement in the All-State booklet, a full page BW advertisement in the HS All-State program, and a Guidebook color banner advertisement linked back to your website. The Industry Conference Bundle includes a full page color advertisement in the Winter magazine, a full page BW advertisement in the conference booklet, and a Guidebook color banner advertisement linked back to your website. CONFERENCE BUNDLES University Bundle - $525 Industry Bundle - $375 Spring Magazine AdvertisementsChoose your advertising option below. Note - covers are assigned on a first-come first-serve basis.SPRING COVERS Full Page (Inside Front Cover) - $75 (8.5 x 11 Full Page Inside) Full Page (Inside Back Cover) - $75 (8.5 x 11 Full Page Inside) 3/4 Page (Back Cover) - $50 (7 x 7.5 Vertical Back) SPRING INSIDE PAGES Full Page - $50 (8.5 x 11 Vertical) 1/2 Page - $30 (7 x 5 Horizontal Only) Spring Website AdvertisementsSpring Website Advertisements will be on the website January-May. Choose your advertising option below. SPRING WEBSITE ADVERTISEMENTS Header (1280 x 350 pixel image) - $275.00 Right Column (320 x 225 pixel image) - $125.00 Bottom (225 x 128 pixel image) - $100.00 Website PagesPlacement on the College/University Audition Information page or Industry Information page runs for the academic year (August-May).Website Pages College/University Audition Information - $100.00 Industry Information - $100.00 Submission InstructionsWhen your artwork is ready, please send it to [email protected] by the corresponding issue's deadline. All artwork specifications will be communicated in advance of the deadline and can also be found on the Rate Card for each issue.Special Requests or InstructionsIf you have selected a cover option, please indicate which cover you prefer here.Payment InformationInvoices will be sent during the publishing month unless you indicate that you want to receive your invoice for all advertising up front. Net amount is due 30 days from the invoice date. All invoices will be sent using PayPal and may be paid using credit card or check.Payment Preference(Required) Bill all advertisements up front Bill individual advertisements in the publishing month Do you have a Purchase Order that needs to be included on the invoice?(Required) Yes No Please upload your Purchase OrderMax. file size: 800 MB.Advertising AgreementConsent(Required) I agree to terms of the OkMEA Advertising Contract.By checking the Consent box, you are indicating that you have fully read and understand all pricing and terms of OkMEA's advertising contract and rate card. The advertiser agrees that they have read or sought any explanation from the OkMEA Office necessary for agreeing to these terms. OkMEA is not responsible for any misunderstandings on the part of the advertiser. Advertisers may seek additional advertising opportunities by submitting a new contract. CONTACT: Katie Robertson, Administrative Coordinator 126 Whitworth Avenue Ponca City, OK 74601 (918) 630-9389 [email protected] MAGAZINE REACH: OkMEA Membership – 1100 teachers Collegiate Members – 350 students Officers of NAfME and others – 300 Prospective advertisers, friends – 250 Total issue – 2000