Welcome to the OkMEA “The Collective” page!


The Collective, a Popular Music Festival ensemble, will be a new ensemble at OkMEA in 2025! The Collective is intended to showcase the creativity and collaboration of outstanding music students from high schools across Oklahoma. This event will feature student driven original music with a focus on creative expression in a variety of musical styles. The ensemble may include, but is not limited to, vocalists (singers and MCs), guitars, bass, keyboards, percussion, wind instruments, strings, and DJ/Producer. Instrumentation will vary based upon submissions, membership is limited to 10-20 students.


For more information, watch the

OSDE Fine Arts Professional Learning Series Meeting with Bryan Powell and Katy Brodhead

Vendor Information
Attn: Popular Music Collective
PO Box 886
Muskogee, OK, 74402

Click here to download a W9 for your financial office!

Student Eligibility

Students must be a member in good standing of their high school music organization (band, choir, orchestra, guitar, modern band, and other school music programs). They have to attend all rehearsals and performances of The Collective and abide by the Rules of Conduct. Students must be eligible academically under OSSAA guidelines at the time of auditions and at the time of the festival.

The rehearsals and performance for this ensemble will overlap with the schedule for the All-State Bands, Choirs, and Orchestra. While students are welcome to audition for The Collective in addition to auditioning for the All-State ensembles, they will only be able to participate in one ensemble.

Deadlines and Fees

First Deadline – September 14, 2024
– $20.00 per entry
Second Deadline – September 21, 2024
– $45.00 per entry
Emergency Deadline – November 2, 2024
– $100.00 per entry

Important Dates

Material Upload Deadline
November 2, 2024

Adjudication Window
November 3-20, 2024

Collective Roster Announced
November 22, 2024

Virtual Ensemble Meetings with Clinician

Video-Recorded Auditions

Component 1 – Performance of an original work

  • May be a performance of a full piece, an original beat, an improvised or composed solo, or anything else that is original and displays students’ technical abilities, musicianship, and creativity in their chosen style(s).

Sample Component 1 Audition Video

Component 2 – Performance of an original musical creation based on a provided chord progression/audio file

  • Vocalists can choose to create lyrics to sing or can create a melody using a neutral syllable (like ah). MCs should create lyrics
  • Producers/beatmakers can choose to add to the recording or are welcome to sample the recording

Sample Component 2 Audition Video

Audition Evaluation

Auditions will be evaluated by three out-of-state popular music professionals (including the clinician for the ensemble). Evaluators will score submissions using a rubric modeled after the current All-State instrumental materials.

Component 2 Audition Materials

Choose one of the following two options:

Option 1:
– The leadsheet below provides the chord progression, meter, tempo marking, and song form. 

– You may choose the version of the audition track that best accommodates your instrument or voice. (For example: drummers will choose the “no drums” audition track, while singers will choose the full audition track)

– The separate click track does not need to be included in your recording. It is simply offered for those that would like to use it in their preparation.

Option 2:
– There is not a leadsheet for this option. Rather, those who choose Option 2 will simply create and record original material over the provided track.

– Producers and beatmakers may choose to utilize the tracks from one or both options, adding to or sampling the recordings.


OPUS Registration Information

Please note that detailed registration directions are located on OPUS or can be downloaded here.

  1. Go to OPUS Event to create a profile
  2. Create an OPUS Profile and link your NAfME membership
  3. Log into OPUS and find the Collective event by typing “collective” in the search bar
  4. Read through the directions on the Event Home
  5. Add your location to the event
  6. Register your students individually, by using the bulk import feature, by using a Google Form
  7. Upload your student videos by selecting the student’s name and uploading each component’s video.
  8. Choose a payment method (credit cardPO, or check) and complete the steps involved
  9. If paying by purchase order or check, you will need to upload a copy of the PO/check to OPUS
  10. If paying by purchase order or check, you will be billed by the OkMEA Office following the second deadlineI
    1. Invoices will not be available on OPUS. Please email Jay Huffer at [email protected] for a copy.
    2. All Emergency Entries will need to be paid by credit card.
  11. Once paid, your entries will read “complete” or “ready” and will be considered complete
    1. Please note that if you pay by check, those entries will not read “complete” or “ready

If paying by check, mail the physical check to:
Attn: The Collective
PO Box 886
Muskogee, OK 74402

Ryan Meeks, The Collective Chair

Email Ryan