OkMEA College Night Registration


The OkMEA College Night will take place on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 8:00-10:00pm at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Tulsa. This is an opportunity for colleges and universities to visit with high school All-State students outside of the regular exhibit time on Friday morning. Snacks and drinks will be provided by OkMEA. The Oklahoma Association of Music Schools (OAMS) will provide door prizes, but each participating college/university is welcome to contribute a door prize as well.

Each College/University will be provided with one skirted table. All other decor and swag will need to be provided by the institution. To participate in the OkMEA College Night, please complete the form below no later than December 13th.

Thank you for your interest. College Night registration is closed for the 2025 OkMEA Winter Conference.