Children’s Chorus Audition and Practice Tracks

To access the Audition and Practice tracks, you will click the link below. All files will automatically download to your computer for you to share with your students via Google Drive, class website, etc. Should you experience any trouble, please email Katie Robertson at [email protected]


Download Children’s Chorus Practice and Audition Tracks

Instructions for downloading the tracks:

  1. Click the link to download the ZIP files to your computer
  2. Once the file is downloaded, you will need to EXTRACT the files
  3. On a Mac, double click the download and it will automatically extract the files
  4. On a PC, right click the download and choose “extract all files.”
  5. Once the files are extracted, you can import them into your iTunes library.


Riley Faulkner, Children's Chorus Assistant

Sarah Green, Children's Chorus Chair